It's incredible for me to see how compassionate the little ones are.

Since Pixie was only like 6 months old she always understood if I was sick and wasn’t able to play with her. She always wants to be in my arms, she demands so much attention but when I’m sick and lying on the sofa she usually just brings her toys next to me and plays there and it’s enough for her if I pay attention and talk to her. She cuddles much more on those days, she is so sweet! The only thing she doesn’t understand yet is that it’s not nice when she pulls off the blanket from mummy, but maybe we’ll get there one day.

She also feels bad when she hears another baby cry, I often have to explain to her, that’s ok, babies cry, they are communicating that way and she doesn’t have to get upset.

But these deep feelings have other upsides as well! Whenever we are laughing with my husband Pixie gets happy as well and she laughs with us!