I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I haven't spent that much time on me. Most of the times I'm with Pixie or getting stuff done when she is with her nanny.
When we decided that she would go only for 2 days to her nanny I wasn’t pregnant yet. I thought about those two days as a gift. Don’t get me wrong, I love to spend time with Pixie and I’m happy to be an SHM, but not at 9 months. I would really need some time just for me. And I have so many doc’s appointments, checkups and of course, I’m nesting again, so I spend a lot’s of time getting the flat ready for baby °2.
But I didn’t treat myself with anything special.
Even when I go out during the day it’s mostly play-dates so Pixie is in the centre of attention.
Today I was lucky because our monthly mums’ meetup was in our town and Pixie was with her nanny.
It was so great! Talking to mums while not having to look out for Pixie. Managing to finish a sentence without getting up to check on her. It’s something very rare! I had an amazing breakfast and nobody wanted to eat my food or drink my hot chocolate. I could eat dessert after lunch without having to think trough if Pixie had already eaten too much sugar that day or not. Yes, when I have dessert I either order something for her as well or we share mine. Which usually ends up in Pixie eating the entire thing and keep repeating mummy no. Sharing a dessert is still complicated with her.
It was so nice to relax a bit and have a full conversation with other mums. And the food at pushchair cafe was perfect! I ordered a breakfast menu later the lunch menu with dessert. Yummy! Brioche, homemade jam and hot chocolate for breakfast, it was the treat I needed! A nice ham-cheese-onion confit panini with some salad and a huge chocolate muffin and a cafe for lunch, it made my day! I was completely full at the end.
I know it’s hard to find the time just for you but everyone deserves a nice relaxed day every now and then.
I’m not sure when will I be alone again, baby °2 is due any day now and since I plan on breastfeeding him, on demand, he’ll be always with me! Until he arrives I’ll try to get the most out of my time.