I wish this post would be full of advice for you what to do with your baby/toddler if she is not a good sleeper. But this is just a post that might help you to see that you are not alone awake at night trying to put your kid back to sleep.
We tried so many different methods, even cry it out, which was terrible for us without any success after so many sleepless nights. We basically gave up and surrendered and hope one day she will sleep trough every night.
The only method which works for us is cosleeping. Normally Pixie goes to sleep at 9:30 pm and sleeps without any issues until 2-4 am when she cries until we put her in our bed. And then we try to sleep in our small double bed, all 3 of us. When we are lucky, Pixie falls back to sleep quickly and sleeps calmly until 7 am.
There are those magical nights when she doesn’t wake up and lets us have a great night, unfortunately, we haven’t figured out what’s the secret to getting there every night but hoping it will happen soon.
She was able to sleep through every night when she was a baby then teething happened and everything when wrong regarding her sleep routine.
During last summer something happened and Pixie had a few weeks of not wanting to sleep. She just stood in her cot, crying and didn’t want to lie down. When we managed to get her to fall asleep in our arms she would immediately wake up as soon as we tried to put her down. We spent hours with my husband sitting, lying next to her cot, singing to her, trying everything to calm her down. Eventually, she would just get so tired that she would fall asleep, sometimes standing, holding the rails of her cot, or sitting down. But one day it just went back normal. We thought that she learnt to manage her sleep better, realised that she doesn’t have to be afraid or any other reasons.
This terrible thing is happening again. I don’t know what happened. There was no change in her life. One day she slept through the night the other day we couldn’t put her down. The first night we just gave in, and she slept in our bed during the entire night.
The second night, I slept next to her cot on the floor on a spear mattress. She only managed to fall asleep while holding my hand, and whenever she woke up during the night she was searching for my hand. At least she slept in her room, in her bed but not sure what to to do improve her sleep.
I hope this phase pass soon! Everyone just keeps saying, it will, no teenager sleeps in their parents’ bedroom, they will stop needing our presents. It seems it just might take more time for Pixie than to others.